Empty container for watercolor paints in a pen, made of high quality plastic. Self-made paints can be poured into containers and placed in a standard cassette for semi-cubes, for the convenience of use and safe transport.
Leerer Porzellanbehälter für Aquarellfarben. Mit dem Würfel können Sie Ihre Lieblings-Aquarellfarben bequem transportieren und einfach direkt aus der Tube nachfüllen. Ideal für das Malen unterwegs.
A water based mixtion used as an adhesive for metal flakes. Ready to use after 15 minutes, it retains its properties for 24 hours. 1% water dispersion. Capacity 250, 500, 1000 ml.
Metalіс paste, ideal for gilding frames, furniture, restoration work, gilt models plaster, clay and wooden sculptures. The best results are achieved on porous surfaces.