Michael Harding watercolors in a 15ml tube - Szał dla Plastyków - Prawdziwy Sklep Plastyczny

Michael Harding watercolors in a 15ml tube

Michael Harding watercolors in a 15ml tube
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Michael Harding watercolors in a 15ml tube

ab 58,60 zł
Wybierz opcje poniżej


Professional watercolors in a 15ml tube by Michael Harding. Thanks to the high content of the highest quality pigments, watercolors amaze with the intensity, clarity and durability of color. They have excellent consistency and viscosity. Left on the palette for a few days, they react very quickly after drying to water and brush. They have excellent transparency. This ensures that all layers of paint remain visible, which in turn contributes to impressive results.

In den Warenkorb
761-101 W101 S1 Titanium white
58,60 zł
761-103 W103 S1 Chinese white
58,60 zł
761-102 W102 S1 Warm white
58,60 zł
761-104 W104 S1 Warm light yellow
58,60 zł
761-105 W105 S1 Warm yellow
58,60 zł
761-108 W108 S1 Lemon yellow
58,60 zł
761-109 W109 S1 Bright yellow lake
58,60 zł
761-401 W401 S4 Cadmium yellow lemon
91,15 zł
761-224 W224 S2 Yellow benzimidazolone
67,80 zł
761-110 W110 S1 Yellow lake
58,60 zł
761-231 W231 S2 Hansa yellow medium
67,80 zł
761-402 W402 S4 Cadmium yellow
91,15 zł
761-403 W403 S4 Cadmium golden yellow
91,15 zł
761-203 W203 S2 Indian yellow
67,80 zł
761-204 W204 S2 Indian yellow red shade
67,80 zł
761-404 W404 S4 Cadmium yellow deep
91,15 zł
761-202 W202 S2 Yellow lake deep
67,80 zł
761-238 W238 S2 Brilliant orange
67,80 zł
761-405 W405 S4 Cadmium orange
91,15 zł
761-222 W222 S2 Permanent orange
67,80 zł
761-223 W223 S2 Orange benzimidazolone
67,80 zł
761-221 W221 S2 Orange sunset
67,80 zł
761-205 W205 S2 Scarlet lake light
67,80 zł
761-406 W406 S4 Cadmium red light
91,15 zł
761-212 W212 S2 Rich scarlet
67,80 zł
761-153 W153 S1 Scarlet lake
58,60 zł
761-407 W407 S4 Cadmium red
91,15 zł
761-217 W217 S2 Pyrrole red
67,80 zł
761-305 W305 S3 Rose dore
78,90 zł
761-310 W310 S3 Perylene crimson
78,90 zł
761-408 W408 S4 Cadmium red deep
91,15 zł
761-236 W236 S2 Pyrrole crimson
67,80 zł
761-314 W314 S3 Cinquasia maroon
78,90 zł
761-306 W306 S3 Perrindo maroon
78,90 zł
761-501 W501 S5 Rose madder
116,20 zł
761-152 W152 S1 Alizarin crimson
58,60 zł
761-210 W210 S2 Alizarin claret
67,80 zł
761-211 W211 S2 Quinacridone rose
67,80 zł
761-313 W313 S3 Quinacridone coral
78,90 zł
761-207 W207 S2 Brilliant pink
67,80 zł
761-220 W220 S2 Opera rose
67,80 zł
761-213 W213 S2 Magenta
67,80 zł
761-209 W209 S2 Amethyst
67,80 zł
761-413 W413 S4 Cobalt violet light
91,15 zł
761-234 W234 S2 Wisteria
67,80 zł
761-206 W206 S2 Manganese violet
67,80 zł
761-302 W302 S3 Potters pink
78,90 zł
761-166 W166 S1 Corinthian purple
58,60 zł
761-309 W309 S3 Quinacridone purple
78,90 zł
761-307 W307 S3 Perylene violet
78,90 zł
761-168 W168 S1 Belladonna
58,60 zł
761-107 W107 S1 Ultramarine violet
58,60 zł
761-219 W219 S2 Imperial purple
67,80 zł
761-144 W144 S1 Deep purple dioxazine
58,60 zł
761-215 W215 S2 Indanthrone blue
67,80 zł
761-137 W137 S1 Phthalocyanine blue lake
58,60 zł
761-139 W139 S1 Phthalo blue red shade
58,60 zł
761-112 W112 S1 Prussian blue
58,60 zł
761-412 W412 S4 Cobalt blue deep
91,15 zł
761-411 W411 S4 Cobalt blue
91,15 zł
761-201 W201 S2 Ultramarine blue
67,80 zł
761-233 W233 S2 Blue verditer
67,80 zł
761-502 W502 S5 Lapis lazuli afghan
116,20 zł
761-114 W114 S1 Sky blue phthalo
58,60 zł
761-312 W312 S3 Cerulean blue
78,90 zł
761-149 W149 S1 Pale violet
58,60 zł
761-235 W235 S2 Lavender
67,80 zł
761-142 W142 S1 Kings blue deep
58,60 zł
761-141 W141 S1 Kings blue light
58,60 zł
761-143 W143 S1 Vivid blue
58,60 zł
761-304 W304 S3 Cobalt teal blue shade
78,90 zł
761-303 W303 S3 Cobalt teal
78,90 zł
761-140 W140 S1 Phthalocyanine turquoise
58,60 zł
761-151 W151 S1 Caribbean turquoise
58,60 zł
761-409 W409 S4 Cobalt turquoise deep
91,15 zł
761-167 W167 S1 Aqua green
58,60 zł
761-138 W138 S1 Phthalocyanine green lake
58,60 zł
761-214 W214 S2 Phthalo green yellow shade
67,80 zł
761-116 W116 S1 Bright green lake
58,60 zł
761-232 W232 S2 Italian green umber
67,80 zł
761-115 W115 S1 Terre verte
58,60 zł
761-111 W111 S1 Terre verte blue shade
58,60 zł
761-410 W410 S4 Cobalt green deep
91,15 zł
761-308 W308 S3 Viridian
78,90 zł
761-145 W145 S1 Permanent green light
58,60 zł
761-146 W146 S1 Emerald green
58,60 zł
761-208 W208 S2 Oxide of chromium
67,80 zł
761-163 W163 S1 Hookers green
58,60 zł
761-147 W147 S1 Sap green
58,60 zł
761-164 W164 S1 Forest green
58,60 zł
761-315 W315 S3 Perylene green
78,90 zł
761-162 W162 S1 Olive green
58,60 zł
761-165 W165 S1 Moss green
58,60 zł
761-237 W237 S2 Green gold
67,80 zł
761-216 W216 S2 Turners yellow
67,80 zł
761-156 W156 S1 Ochre lcles lemon
58,60 zł
761-229 W229 S2 New gamboge
67,80 zł
761-133 W133 S1 French yellow ochre
58,60 zł
761-120 W120 S1 Raw sienna light
58,60 zł
761-113 W113 S1 Raw sienna dark
58,60 zł
761-130 W130 S1 Transparent oxide yellow
58,60 zł
761-119 W119 S1 Yellow ochre
58,60 zł
761-218 W218 S2 Naples yellow
67,80 zł
761-230 W230 S2 Quinacridone gold
67,80 zł
761-311 W311 S3 Quinacridone bronze
78,90 zł
761-118 W118 S1 Yellow ochre deep
58,60 zł
761-161 W161 S1 Ochre havana of france
58,60 zł
761-148 W148 S1 Italian brown ochre
58,60 zł
761-131 W131 S1 Italian burnt ochre
58,60 zł
761-125 W125 S1 Burnt sienna
58,60 zł
761-122 W122 S1 Pozzuoli red
58,60 zł
761-155 W155 S1 Herculane red
58,60 zł
761-160 W160 S1 Red ochre of france
58,60 zł
761-158 W158 S1 Puisaye hematite
58,60 zł
761-157 W157 S1 Earth of cyprus
58,60 zł
761-132 W132 S1 Transparent oxide brown
58,60 zł
761-225 W225 S2 Permanent brown
67,80 zł
761-124 W124 S1 Red umber
58,60 zł
761-126 W126 S1 Burnt umber
58,60 zł
761-123 W123 S1 Indian red
58,60 zł
761-159 W159 S1 Dark morellone earth
58,60 zł
761-121 W121 S1 Raw umber
58,60 zł
761-154 W154 S1 Sepia
58,60 zł
761-134 W134 S1 Van dyke brown
58,60 zł
761-117 W117 S1 Titanium buff
58,60 zł
761-136 W136 S1 Neutral grey 5
58,60 zł
761-228 W228 S2 Moonlight
67,80 zł
761-226 W226 S2 Purple haze
67,80 zł
761-227 W227 S2 Cosmic blue
67,80 zł
761-150 W150 S1 Indigo
58,60 zł
761-127 W127 S1 Paynes grey
58,60 zł
761-106 W106 S1 Neutral tint
58,60 zł
761-135 W135 S1 Vine black
58,60 zł
761-128 W128 S1 Lamp black
58,60 zł
761-129 W129 S1 Ivory black
58,60 zł
In den Warenkorb


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