Compared to the standard LB blades, the LBB black blades increased the hardness of the steel, reduced the sharpening angle and increased the sharpening width.
Segment blade 25mm ExcelBlack series Compared to the standard HB blades, the hardness of the steel has been increased in the black HBB blades, the sharpening angle and the increased sharpening width have been reduced.
Universal 18mm blade with a double number of segments In many applications, the sharpest tip of the blade is most important to the user. Thus, thanks to the narrower segments, the LBD blade will be twice as effective as the LB blade.
Watercolor paints in cubes, 2.5 ml each. Made of natural and synthetic pigments based on pure arabic gum. The excellent quality of the pigments used guarantees the purity and transparency of the colors.