Paints PeBeO Ceramic ideally suited to the decoration of ceramics, pottery products, stoneware, glass and metals. These are the paints for decoration "cold".
Unique, lightfast, innovative paint with unique textures and the effect of the Moon Fantasy perimeter are designed to decorate various objects and materials, such as decorating picture frames, boxes, jewellery etc. They are suitable for use on many surfaces such as metal, porcelain, ceramics, canvas, glass, wood, mirror.
Paint contouring for glass. Paint for the amateur, makes the works have a professional appearance. For use on glass, articles from plexiglass and other transparent objects. Decorfin provides high strength and resistance to light colours.
The Pearl Pen range of colours has been specially formulated to decorate all your favourite craft items. Simply apply a brilliant pearl drop to create a magical look on all types of fabrics, leather ,glass ,carton and canvas.
Effect Liner is a liner for decorations enabling the creation of three-dimensional lines and dots on almost all surfaces with low absorbency, including textiles.