Oil paints known from Phoenix. Paints are manufactured from high quality pigments. The colors are sharp and durable. Each tube of paint is packaged in a box aesthetic.
Oil paints For Art are recommended for professionals, students and amateurs. By carefully selecting paint pigments have excellent resistance to light, have a good shine and intense colour.
Oil paints For Art are recommended for professionals. By carefully selecting paint pigments have excellent resistance to light, have a good shine and intense colour. Oil paints this series can be mixed with each other giving the artist the ability to create a rich range of colours and shades.
Provides high sealing and resistance to the coating and uniform surface gloss, protects against dirt and dust. Prepared with top quality resin. For oil paints, acrylic and oily tempera. Contains UV filter.
Die Rundpinsel RestauroHouse 07R sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl zu einem erschwinglichen Preis. Ihre synthetischen Fasern, die Naturborsten imitieren, sind äußerst flexibel und zart, was bei der Arbeit mit empfindlichen Aquarellfarben entscheidend ist.