Although very popular and extremely versatile, acrylic paints, as opposed to oil paints, have a much shorter drying time. This limits the amount and timing of corrections. Opposite to this problem came the Renesans company, creating a medium slowing the drying process of acrylic paints.
Round sponge brush for melting. It is suitable for coating canvas, cardboard, wooden surfaces, stone, for making patterns and many other applications. It is perfect for covering objects decorated in the decoupage technique.
Renesans Akryl paints are an excellent proposition for beginner artists and students. Thick consistency, high degree of pigment coverage, as well as an attractive price make it an excellent choice for painting large-format works.
Handy soft eraser in pencil designed for erasing drawings made with pencils, crayons and charcoal. The eraser can be tempered just like a regular pencil so that its pointed tip will be able to accurately erase the smallest details as well as accent the reflections.