Szmal balsamic turpentine, double-rectified turpentine oil - Szał dla Plastyków - Prawdziwy Sklep Plastyczny

Szmal balsamic turpentine, double-rectified turpentine oil

Szmal balsamic turpentine, double-rectified turpentine oil
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ab 13,30 zł
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Producer: Roman Szmal

Double rectified turpentine oil by Roman Szmal. Obtained by distillation from high-quality coniferous resin. Suitable for cleaning brushes, palettes and other painting tools from dried paint residues. It can be used to remove dried varnish layers. It works well when diluting paints and media for oil painting. It turns yellow to a lesser extent compared to other solvents. It should be used in a ventilated room, avoid inhaling the vapors as it may cause headaches and dizziness.

Ingredients: turpentine (coniferous resin balsam distillate).
- 150 ml
- 250 ml
- 200 ml
- 1000 ml

Flammable product, we do not ship abroad.

In den Warenkorb
70005-150 150 ml
13,30 zł
70005-250 250 ml
20,80 zł
70005-500 500 ml
40,40 zł
70005-1000 1000 ml
76,40 zł
In den Warenkorb


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