Rive Gauche oil paints retain the key features of oil painting, but they dry 2 times faster than conventional oil paints. As a result, the time spent working on the image is significantly reduced.
This is a line of professional oil paints created to the highest standards. Paints are characterized by high pigment content and easy mixing. Colour intensity has been reproduced from hand-made, limited-edition oil paints produced prior to 1840.
Daniel Smith oil paints are handmade in Seattle, Washington. Introduced in 1989, formulated as paints of extraordinary colour strength, high lightfastness and butteriness consistency.
Miracle Medium von Michael Harding ist ein modernes, umweltfreundliches Malmedium, das eine Alternative zu traditionellen Lösungsmitteln wie Terpentin darstellt. Es ist ein biologisch abbaubares und geruchloses Produkt auf pflanzlicher Basis, das die Verdünnung von Ölfarben erleichtert und ihre Transparenz erhöht, ohne die Trocknungszeit zu beeinträchtigen.
Paints requirements for artists with the highest featured for quality. Oils Rembrandt are made of high-grade pigment, which gives them a very high resistance to light.